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Town Meeting-Scheduling

Scheduling the 2024 Annual Town Meeting, preceded by the saga of the Special Town Meeting of Oct 21, 2023 and how it got to May 4, 2024.
2024 May 5

Town Meeting Votes against DPW at Route 6 and for DPW at Town Hall Hill

Route 6 Site Rejected, and Funding Passed to Design on Town Hall Hill

Six Key Votes on May 4-5 affirmed the Town Hall Hill site:

STM Article 2 - Change of Use of 340 Rt 6

A majority of more than 2/3 of the voters rejected the change of use of the parcel on Rt 6

STM Article 3 - Borrowing Authorization of $28.3 million for DPW construction

Failed by more than a 2/3 majority of the voters

STM Article 4 - Borrowing Authorization of $2.8 million for DPW engineering

No site was specified. 66.7% in favor required to pass, and only 47.3% voted in favor.

STM Article 14 - DPW Campus Design

Passed by a majority of voters.

ATM Article 13 - Borrowing Authorization of $2.8 million for DPW engineering at Town Hall Hill

Voters passed an amendment allocating up to $2.8 million for engineering and design of a new DPW on Town Hall Hill

ATM Article 16 - Debt Exclusion for Sand Pit Road

Voters rejected the purchase of 2 Sand Pit Rd, eliminating an alternate DPW site.

Tags: DPW, THH, Town Meeting
2024 May 4

Town Meeting Votes to accept Walsh Committee Recommendations

Adoption of Walsh Property Community Planning Committee Recommendations

STM Article 5 - Change of Use of 340 Rt 6

Passed by a majority of voters.

Tags: Walsh, Town Meeting
2024 Apr 4
7 months ago

Annual Town Meeting now May 4th after Special Town Meeting

Special and Annual Town Meetings on the weekend of May 4th and 5th.

The Town Manager discusses the logistics of holding both Special and Annual Town Meetings on the weekend of May 4th and 5th.
2024 Mar 4
8 months ago

Annual Town Meeting May 4th and/or 5th

Select Board discusses the meeting logistics.

Should the Annual Town Meeting start when the Special Town Meeting ends (May 4th), or the day after the Special Town Meeting on May 5th? An 80 ft x 120 ft tent (with heaters) that can accommodate 1200 people will be set up on the ballfield.
Additional scheduling, logistical and other decisions by the Select Board are in process.
2023 Nov 28

Special Town Meeting Finally Gets Rescheduled

...for the last time -- and voters reject February out-of-town venue

Town Meeting was finally opened on Nov 28, with over 200 voters still outside. Chair Kristen Reed motioned to move it to February in Provincetown. Voters would not have it, so it was moved to Saturday May 4th at the Truro Central School ballfield.
2023 Nov 16

Moderator For The 3rd time Reschedules STM By 12 Days

... state law authority to do so a third time?

Voters gathered and standing outside in the cold and quietly protest the rescheduling
2023 Nov 2

Moderator Again Reschedules STM By 14 Days

... state law authority to do so a second time?

Voters gathered and standing outside in the cold to protest the rescheduling
2023 Oct 24

Kristen Reed (Select Board chair) Wants a February Meeting

...and suggests that only 12-month full-time residents should vote

Reed states that except for the holidays, if you are a voter you should be in Truro 12 months a year.
Tags: voting, ~winter voting
2023 Oct 21

Moderator Reschedules Special Town Meeting By 12 Days

...citing state law authority to do so

Voters gathered and standing in the rain protest the rescheduling
2023 Sep 26

Special Town Meeting Set For October 21

Select Board finalizes the warrant.

And authorizes the printing and posting of the Special Town Meeting Warrant.