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An anonymous 'whistleblower' alleged that SB member Susan Areson violated the charter. The 'case' has fizzled and was officially dropped, but not before creating a divisive atmosphere and revealing the players behind it.
2024 Apr 16
6 months ago

Reed Still Wants Investigation

6 months later

"I maintain that an investigation should be pursued."
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2023 Oct 13 4:05 PM
9 months ago

Reed Replies to Areson About the Investigation

...and considering whether to personally take over the investigation so that it can continue.

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2023 Oct 13 3:47 PM
9 months ago

Areson Email About the BCC'd Emails

Request to discuss confidential emails bcc'd to Raphael Richter

The Select Board needs to discuss these unethical actions.
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2023 Oct 10
9 months ago

Select Board Hears Status of Investigation

Whistleblower will not come forward

Town Counsel advises that the whistleblower cannot legally remain anonymous. His attorney will not identify him, so after 4 months, the investigation is abandoned.
This marks the formal end of Whistlegate by the Select Board.
Tags: Reed, KP
2023 Oct 10
9 months ago

Public Comment: Grave Concerns About the Conduct of the Whistleblower Case

Kristen Reed shares confidential Town information with whistleblower's attorney, with bcc to Raphael Richter.

...causing some to wonder who the whistleblower is.
2023 Jun 28, 11:35 AM

Select Board Convenes in Executive Session

Behind closed doors, discusses whistleblower allegations and Tangeman contract.

Agenda is presented here.
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2023 Jun 28, 11:30 AM

Select Board Votes to Continue Investigation

Motion by Reed to investigate the complaint. Board votes 3-2 in favor.

Kristen Reed, Stephanie Rein, and Bob Weinstein in favor and John Dundas and Susan Areson opposed. Chair Reed announced that an investigation would commence.
After starting the investigation, Chair Reed moves to go into closed Executive Session for negotiations with the Town Manager. Sue Areson is still able to participate in spite of whistleblower attempt.
2023 Jun 28, 11:27 AM

Comment by Former Select Board Chair Jan Worthington

Jan suggests that the Select Board's efforts could be better applied to problems the Town is facing, and should 'get back to work.'

2023 Jun 28, 11:00 AM

Select Board Consideration of Anonymous Complaint

Attorney Henchy speaks on behalf of Sue Areson, stating the Select Board is violating its own policy by pursuing the anonymous complaint.

2023 Jun 28, 9:10 AM

Town Counsel Information on Whistleblower BCC'd to Raphael Richter

...why did Reed again bcc Richter on attorney confidential email?

What was Richter's role with the whistleblower's attorney?
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The email was discovered 3 months later in response to a Public Records Request.
2023 Jun 28, 8:26 AM

Email to Town Counsel About Executive Session BCC'd to Raphael Richter

...why was Richter bcc'd by Reed on attorney confidential email?

What was Richter's role with the whistleblower's attorney?
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The email was discovered 3 months later in response to a Public Records Request.
2023 Jun 16

Anonymous Whistleblower Complaint Put on Select Board Agenda

...considering Sue Areson for alleged charter violation

Areson requests and is granted a continuance. Board votes to further consider the complaint.
2023 Jun 13

Anonymous Whistleblower Complaint Sent by Adam T. Dupuy, Esq

... alleging Sue Areson violated Truro's charter.

And seeking an independent investigation.
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2023 Jun 6

Whistleblower Claims Start to Emerge

Kristen Reed contacts the press to assert that Sue Areson may have violated Truro's charter.

...'I have reason to believe'...
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2022 Sep 13

Select Board's Standing Policy Against Anonymous Complaints

'It shall be the customary policy of the Select Board to not respond to anonymous complaints or communications.'

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