
Relating to the principles and practice of democracy in Truro.
2024 Jun 11
4 months ago

Freedom of Speech

Is a citizen prohibited from respectfully criticizing a member of the Select Board during public comments?

Citizen Dennis O'Brien begins a public comment to the Select Board, but is not allowed to comment on the actions of one of the board members, Bob Weinstein, for ignoring decisions of Town Meeting. At issue is Select Board Policy 37: "The Select Board must operate ... in conformity with all decisions made by Town Meeting."

Mr. O'Brien then sent a summary of his remarks within a letter to the SB outlining why "my Public Comment was properly directed to the entire Select Board." And making the case for why Mr. Weinstein's "Liaison Appointment to the Ad Hoc Bldg. Committee should be reconsidered."
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Tags: PC, Weinstein, SB
2024 Apr 16
6 months ago

Snowbirds Can Register to Vote in Truro

"Not a minimum amount of time that you need to be here to be a voter"

Board of Registrars hearing, with commentary by the Truro Town Clerk
Tags: voting, ~winter voting
2023 Apr 25
7 months ago

Bundling of Warrant Articles is Poor Practice

At ATM 2023, 17 minutes elapsed as the voters debated unbundling Article 12.

Halfway through the debate, Richard Wood explaines why he believes unbundled articles provide better options for voters.
1918 Nov 5
7 months ago

Massachusetts Constitution Article 48 and Bundling

Best practice for each article to address a single, distinct issue

Amendment Article 48 of the Massachusetts Constitution requires that the Attorney General’s Office certify an initiative measure if the following requirements are met:
   The measure contains only subjects that are related or mutually dependent …

Regarding the specific question of bundling two unrelated articles together in a town meeting warrant for a single vote, Article 48 itself does not directly address the procedures and rules governing the conduct of town meetings or the formulation of warrants for town meetings.

Under Massachusetts law, the warrant for a town meeting must list all articles or issues to be discussed and voted upon. Each article in the warrant represents a separate matter or proposal. Generally, it is considered best practice for each article to address a single, distinct issue to ensure clarity and allow for focused discussion and voting. This approach aligns with the principles of transparent and accountable governance, enabling voters to express their opinions on specific matters without the potential confusion or coercion implied by bundling unrelated issues.