Stay current on Truro happenings by viewing these Series of 125 short Clips curated by Truro News. Information available to you in one convenient place.
Using Technology to improve future Town Meetings. Enhancing Truro's Audio/Visual network to connect rooms; Automated Voting Systems.
2024 Mar 4
2024 Apr 1
2024 May 5
16 days ago
Beach and Recreation
2024 Jul 9
a month ago
Relating to the principles and practice of democracy in Truro.
2023 Apr 25
2024 Apr 16
2024 Jun 11
3 days ago
Everything related to the new DPW Project.
2024 Jul 11
2024 Jul 16
2024 Jul 23
2 months ago
In this series, we touch on the large topic of housing in Truro.
2024 Feb 8
2024 May 28
2 months ago
In this series, we explore everything related to Truro's water. Drinking water comes from a sole source aquifer, while rivers and ponds are also challenged.
2024 Feb 13
2024 Mar 7
2024 May 7
Everything related to the Walsh project.
2023 Jul 8
2023 Oct 1
2023 Oct 11
3 months ago
In this series, we follow Government Spending, and related fiscal issues.
2024 Apr 11
2024 May 7
4 months ago
The Debt series presents information about the municipal debt and related matters. Truro's debt is at an all-time high, with voter proposals that can take it much higher.
2024 Jan 1
2024 Jan 1
Truro and Cape Cod during the Winter can be a challenging, isolating time of the year. In this series, explore the conversation about surviving our toughest season.
2021 Jan 1
2023 Jan 1
2024 Jan 2
4 months ago
In this series, we follow the possible $6 million purchase of 2 Sand Pit Rd (Noons). The need for $100k of sand annually has been discussed as the reason for considering the purchase.
2024 Feb 27
2024 Mar 19
2024 Mar 27
3 months ago
An anonymous 'whistleblower' alleged that SB member Susan Areson violated the charter. The 'case' has fizzled and was officially dropped, but not before creating a divisive atmosphere and revealing the players behind it.
2023 Oct 13
2023 Oct 13
2024 Apr 16
Scheduling the 2024 Annual Town Meeting, preceded by the saga of the Special Town Meeting of Oct 21, 2023 and how it got to May 4, 2024.
2024 Apr 4
2024 May 4
2024 May 5
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